This blog is solely the responsibility of Rebecca Hartog and does not reflect the views of Peace Corps.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

some fotes

Because we're living in a lap of luxury here in the case in Yaounde, replete with hot showers (third one in three months!), a washing machine and dryer (!), TV and movies, and most importantly, FAST internet. Picture posting time!!!

This is me and my host sister, Abigail. Also known as Sassy McSasster.

Me with the homestay siblings: (from left: Abby, me, Patou, Yoyo)

A nice lady making beignets. Some of my favorite food. yummmm.

I went on a bikeride yesterday through the West Province with some other trainees. We left at 8 AM, finished around 2 PM, completely, 100 percent exhausted after tackling some incredible hills, like this one. By the end of the day my legs were like jelly, but we'd seen some absolutely breaktaking sites... this.


Anonymous said...

Great to see a picture of your home sta siblings. Did you know there's a bike race like the Tour de France in Burkino Faso? Maybe you and your fellow PCVs could start one in Cameroon, and you become the Lance-ette of Cameroon?

maria perron said...

Becca, you look like you're having a great time. I got the impression from your mom that you were roughing it. Anyone looking at your blog would think you were vacationing in some exotic and remote paradise. But truly, I am impressed with the work you are doing with the peace corp. I always dreamed of doing something like that when I was younger but lacked the confidence and determination. You obviously have both. Good luck and keep up the good work.
maria perron, member of mom's book club.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm not sure how I managed to stumble across your blog, but I wanted to say good luck and have fun! I was a PCV in Cameroon from Sept. 2003 - Dec. 2005. It's an amazing country. I loved it and I'm sure you will too.