This blog is solely the responsibility of Rebecca Hartog and does not reflect the views of Peace Corps.

Friday, April 11, 2008

some photos

Alright, so I thought it about time to post some photos that really show how beautiful my post is. My village is in the middle of the forest. And the savannah. Both really, so the scenery and the views are really spectacular. I took my camera with me on one of my runs recently. About 4K outside of village, there's a bridge over the River Kim, and it's indescribably beautiful. I'm always rendered a little bit speechless and in awe. It's especially nice in the morning if the sun's rising over the river. This particular morning, I was lucky to catch a bit of low-lying fog while running through the forest to the river. Enough words; I'll let the photos speak for themselves (mostly):

This is along the way to the river. Like I said, it was foggy and ripe for a photo op. Don't let the paved roads fool you - they're the only ones around and actually, I believe they're only paved leadng up to and after the bridge. Otherwise, we have only dirt roads here.

This is (obviously) on the bridge, looking west (?? I think??). Let's take a closer look...

Ahhh. Like I said, indescribably beautiful.

The other side.

Another view of the other side.

Having successfully photographically documented the gorgeous scenery autour du village, I decided to hike on up the gawdawful hill to the sous-prefecture, where you can get a really amazing view of the whole village. It's probably the highest hill that is directly next to village, so I did a panorama shot:

And finally, on the way to village is practically nothing but forest. The dirt roads just cut through really rural areas. In the fours hours between Foumban and my village, there is really only one other semi-large village, maybe as big or smaller than Ngambe Tikar. Which is why I find it absolutely hilarious that of all the street signs they could possibly post along this road, someone has posted not one, but two of these road signs:

That's right, bull crossing. Beware of all the frantic bull traffic!! There are no other road signs other than two of these. It cracks me up everytime I go back to village.


Anonymous said...

DearBB, These pictures are stunning. How wonderful to live in a place of such beauty. You know how I have a kind of visceral, "I can't stand how much I love this landscape" reaction to the Michigan beach? I can imagine your having the same catch in your chest as you see this. xxoo Mom

Unknown said...

Becca these pictures are so beautiful, especially in the morning fog. I loved seeing the panoramic shot of your village, because I've been wondering what it looks like in its entirety. I can't wait to see it all in person! Elisa

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